Manawatū Regional Volleyball Association Inc. (MRVA) is the regional sport organisation representing the Manawatū volleyball community. We work to promote our regions volleyball growth and development, while ensuring sustainable organizational and operational models are in place. We do this work in partnership with Sport Manawatū and as the affiliated regional body to Volleyball New Zealand.
We aspire to enable, inspire and deliver volleyball to our community at each age, stage, and level of the game.
We are leaders in the New Zealand Volleyball community, entrusted with representing the Manawatū region's participants, programs and organizations.
We commit to providing quality experiences that enable participation across areas of play that represent our communities needs in a manner that is sustainable, promotes safety and well being, doing so with respect, exemplary behaviour, and exceptional organizational capabilities.
We will enable volleyball in the Manawatū region by representing our communities needs in program delivery, community partnerships and progressive business practices.
We will know we are successful by having community inspired stewardship practices, enabling the game across all ages, stages and levels of play, and being leaders of and in our local and national community.
Manawatū Regional Volleyball Assocation Inc. is a registered Incorporated Society, serving as a non-profit organization operating under our MRVA Constitution, Incorporated Societies Act and the Incorporated Societies Regulations, and New Zealand law.
MRVA is an affiliated body to Volleyball New Zealand operating as a member under the Volleyball New Zealand Constitution.
Volleyball Manawatū deliver several leagues for our community from primary school through to adult club national qualifying events. PREMIER SENIOR LEAGUE is for our top senior secondary school teams that want a more competitive environment preparing them to qualify for NZ Secondary Schools Volleyball Championships.
We also host several REGIONAL CLUB TOURNAMENTS open to competitive and social teams for youth and adults. We are partners with Palmerston North Volleyball PNVB and help deliver MONDAY NIGHT SOCIAL LEAGUES running year round.
Our indoor programs are primarily delivered at Central Energy Trust Arena in Palmerston North.
Check out a full list of our indoor programs thru the indoor menu.
Volleyball Manawatū are also proud to operate MANA BEACH COURTS, our city beach volleyball complex at Takaro Sports Club. Mana Beach is the host of our SUMMER TOURNAMENT SERIES. From social to competitive, youth and adult our summer tournament series has something for everyone.
We are also excited to be doing more to make the courts available to the wider community. We will continue with our FRIDAY BEACH BASH -open hits from October through April for all to join. This summer we will enabling a MEMBERSHIP for those looking to book in and use the courts independently, outside of our current events list.
Mana Beach Courts are within the Takaro Sports Club facility in Palmerston North.
The Beach menu will give you details on all that's planned for this year at Mana Beach.
Volleyball is the FASTEST GROWING youth sport in New Zealand, representing the second highest PARTICIPATION rate in girls sports. While we work to ensure our FOUNDATION can remain solid through this rapid growth, we also recognize the need for development frameworks to enable participation, and move players from performance to elite programs.
Our DEVELOPMENT FRAMEWORK comprises a pathway that enables participation, player development, coach development and referee development. Each of these pillars hold different values within each of our programs. The aim of the development framework is to ensure there is the appropriate balance of each within the programs delivered.
Our goal is that we can inspire, enable and deliver programs that successfully align to PLAY, COACH & REFEREE throughout each level of the game.
Keep an eye out on the development menu to see what programs are available this year.
Mikasa is the Official Ball and supplier to Volleyball New Zealand. For Clubs and Schools, Please use this page to order your volleyballs and accessories.
Range of KiwiVolley resources, including easy to follow booklets and videos to help you get children ENGAGED, encourage SUCCESS and have FUN!
This policy aims to give guidance to all employees with respect to the bullying and harassment within the workplace.
Committed to the prevention of child abuse and to the protection of children and young people. The well-being and safety of children and young people is important to our organisation.
This policy sets out the requirements of the board of MRVA in regards to the use of / consumption of Drugs, Alcohol and Tobacco in respect of any Player, Referee, Manager, Coach and Staff representing MRVA.
Committed to ensuring the health and safety of its workers and others affected by its activities. This includes employees, players, officials, spectators and volunteers.
Permission to interview, film, photograph or video a person or include their name in publication
Rules of Volleyball Manawatu Incorporated
MRVA DRAFT Strategic Plan
Draft IPC Policy Doc with Code of Conduct
10th March 2021
27th January 2021
19th November 2020
21th October 2020
30th September 2020
26th August 2020
All Association program payments can be made into our account.
Manawatu Regional Volleyball Assocaition Inc 02-0727-0242211-000
Please ensure to include:
Particulars: Participant Name
Code: League/ Competition
Reference: date or term of the event